Ryan Full Name: Ryan Donald Gantz Born: December 14th, 1977 Profile: Ryan, who crashed his '85 Toyota Camry in 1996, was co-owner of the Omni during the summer of '97. The Omni served as a wagon to transport Ryan and Joshua to the Plymouth Athletic Club; each morning before starting the vehicle, they chanted the sacred syllables, "Ommm-ni... Ommm-ni...", with the hope that the gods above wouldn't allow the car to break down on route 44. As you may or may not already know by now, Ryan and Josh also shared employment on a Good Humor truck during this time. If you have been paying close attention, you'll realize that this means that when one of them was out in the '74 Chevy Stepvan ice cream truck (According to Josh, "The most dangerous vehicle I have ever driven,") the other was tearing up the streets of Plymouth in the slightly less dangerous '81 Dodge Omni. Boy, do these kids know how to get around. Ryan currently lives in Boston where he enjoys wandering around the city, drinking overpriced Mocha Valencias and listening to headphones. He has too many interests to successfully accomplish anything, (this is a poor attempt to make excuses for the fact that it's taken a full year and a half to get this silly site up and running). These interests include painting, photography, music, comedy, writing, long intimate walks on the beach, acting, staring blankly at a computer screen for hours playing Zelda, learning HTML, and listening to Kraftwerk. He is widely known as an itty-bitty graduate nothing of the vast machine that is Boston University, where he studied English--though he has spoken the language for quite some time. Click on the SF6 logo on the sidebar to explore the rest of sixfoot6.com, his virtual playpen. If Ryan had his experiences with the Omni to do over again, he would forget about his need for transportation and destroy the car immediately. True dat. |
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