April 10th, 2000 at 11 PM |
On the occasion of productivity |
quick recap of recent events wake up at 11, take a shower, check the email, get something for breakfast. make tea. check email. visit some blogs. head next door to look for erik. chill with him for a while, watching comedy central, smoking cigarettes, sipping fresh coffee, playing the sims. chat and joke for a while. take the usual lap around the block. head back home, get the mail, make a sandwich, call someone, drive somewhere and buy groceries, do dishes, surf the web, walk with siblings when they get home, start making dinner for the family, drink a glass of wine, serve dinner, chat about nothing, help alyssa with homework, work on website, post blog entry, make smoothies, clean up something, hang with erik for a couple of hours, talking about computers or people or education or comedy, go home, make a snack, sit on the computer, send instant messages, go to bed at 3:30. wake up and do it again. its a good life, actually. i enjoy it. On Thursday I made this really yummy meal for the fam: chicken, sausage and vegetable jumbalaya served with black beans, tomato and mozzarella garlic focaccia bread, and fried banana. So, needless to say, cooking continues to be satisfying. Virgil drove down on Friday and we got some coffee and did some preliminary design work on the site I'm building for his band Equitone. Now that I finally finished my home page redesign, i'm ready to put some time into it. Jonah convinced me to drive up to Boston for a Friday night on the town, so I did. We met up on B.U. campus, hit a liquor store in Kenmore Square, and Jonah bought picked up some Vodka and some cans of an energy drink called Red Bull, went back to his apartment in Allston, stuffed some ice cubes in a Schweppes bottle, and mixed up a surprisingly tasty batch of beverage. Jonah strapped on his backpack containing additional mixing supplies. I strapped on my camera and my gray and navy striped sweater and my hoodie. Harvard Ave was packed, as it should be on a spring Friday. We visited my friend Andrea, then walked up toward Washington Street where we sat on a grassy hill. We swung through Cleveland Circle, walking and laughing and getting a bit tipsy. We had all kinds of shit to catch up on, in between talk of plans and apartment renting and so on. We kept climbing up hills in Brookline, cutting through people's yards. I think we were playing catch with the Schweppes bottle. At the top of Brookline we hung out in the Summit Ave Park for about an hour, playing on the swings, having one of those satisfying rambling talks that you can only have with someone who you know pretty well but you want to know better. The sojourn was disrupted, however, by the following events:
Saturday I hung out in the city for a while. It was beautiful, but I slept a lot. Back here in Plymouth, I went to Huckleberry's Chicken House with my lovely family. Jeremy and I saw High Fidelity, and laughed loudly at the music-oriented jokes. I'm not 30 yet, but the movie touched me in the way it should, I guess. It was entertaining, and well-done. Sunday I brooded over my redesign and felt pathetic. But I finally got it done. Now I'm tip-top.