Posted by our own SMGC News Team
In the last month, Southers Marsh has been reviewed by three golf publications, New England Journal of Golf, Golf on Cape Cod, and, and all of them have given us rave reviews. People have been very impressed with the course conditions, service, and value that we offer here. Click here to read what they had to say, or better yet, come out and see for yourself!
Posted by our own SMGC News Team
At long last, our driving range is now open. Unfortunately for us, we scheduled delivery of sod three weeks ago and that date coincided with the 90 degree weather on Wednesday, which made laying it a bit of a chore. We would like to thank all members of the nutsquad who were home for April vacation and worked hard to get everything done. Wiith our new mats and new balls, the range is looking great so please come down and hit a bucket. Our prices are $3 for a half-bucket (warm up, 30 balls) and $6 for a full bucket (60 balls).
Posted by our own SMGC News Team
We are now open for the 2002 season! Hopefully, the warm weather we experienced all winter will continue into the Spring. The course is looking great, since it has been closed for the last three and half months, and we are ready to hit the ground running.
Posted by our own SMGC News Team
We want to thank everyone who showed up for the sneak preview on Saturday. We had a big turnout (especially given the short notice) and everyone had a great time. The weather was absolutely fantastic and people were really excited to get out there and swing the sticks. We were glad to see people back on the course and appreciate the many positive comments. It does a lot for our motivation to know that golfers notice the hard work we've done over the winter. Thank you. We will be opening officially this Friday, March 15. Hopefully, Mother Nature will continue to cooperate.
Posted by our own SMGC News Team
The Spring weather is bearing down on us and we have finally wilted under the pressure. We will be open on Saturday March 9 for a special sneak preview at a special price. Please call now for a tee time at 508-830-3535. We still plan on opening for real on Friday March 15, but the 60 degree weather forecast for this Saturday was just too much for us to resist. Come take advantage of the fact that the course has been untouched by golfers for the last 3 months and check out the work we've done!
Posted by our own SMGC News Team
Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth at the IMG National Golf Expo this past weekend at the Bayside Expo center in Boston. We enjoyed having such a great oppurtunity to get the word out about the course and to share our plans for the coming season. Over 250 people entered our drawing to win free rounds of golf for a foursome, including carts. We drew one winner for each day of the expo. Congratulations to Lynn Hazleton of Franklin, John Keely of Middleboro, and William Gallivan of Weymouth. If you know any of these people, it would be a good idea to butter them up before our course opens in mid-March. They'll each be receiving their gift certificates shortly.
Posted by our own SMGC News Team
With the recent warm weather, we've been able to get outside and get to work on some projects we didn't expect to start until April. Maybe the earth's climate is going haywire, but we really appreciated the chance to breate warm air and work outside in short-sleeves. In the past three days, members of the Southers Marsh Mid-Winter Beautification Team have busied themselves replacing unsightly chain link fence along Federal Furnace Road with traditional wooden split-rail fence, and cleaning up the landscape around our maintenance buildings. No doubt slush and windy sleet will be falling from the sky within the hour, but it was nice to get a head start on this season's projects while we had the chance. Soon we'll all be stuck inside the office again.
We've updated the Scorecard page of the site to include course slope and rating, as measured by the MGA late last year. Additionally, we've included a message from our superintendent Will Stearns IV explaining the importance of these figures.
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