maybe there are different kinds of beginnings. there are the kind that you plan, that you anticipate, that you relish. when i arrived in paris to study for the semester, when i moved into my first apartment, when i met some of my best friends, those were all occasions that sent my tummy soaring. those were the beginnings that thrilled me.
then, there are the beginnings we face only because the ending came too quickly. breaking up with someone right as i felt like i was getting to know him, looking for another place to live because my landlord lost all grips of reality, having to do new work because the person in charge packed up her things and snuck out the back door, those hit me like bricks. i blinked and everything has already changed.
that's how i feel, i guess. i'm faced with this blinding possibility and endless space, and it is hard to know what to do with that. there are all these If's that taunt me, and most of the Then's that answer them are more bad than good.
i almost typed i can't help it, although i'm sure i could, if i really tried.
i think of my mother, who has become her mother, who can find worry in the smallest things. i hear my father reply to them with a you're-being-so-silly smile. my mother, the perpetual pessimist. my father, the eternal optimist. and me, stuck somewhere inbetween.
oh, what does it matter, anyway? if i focus too much on the before and after, i might miss the during.
right now, i am sitting in bed, wrapped up in the star-covered quilt my godmother made for me when i graduated college. i am listening to elliott smith. i am thinking of all the things i want to do this weekend. i am on the verge of a smile.
and thus wrote christine on 2/15/2002. +