I don't even have a piece of tin, I have to envy yours


Full Name: Jonas Nathaniel Pizer

Born: January 24th, 1978

Profile:   We want to thank Jonas for not losing faith in Project Omni despite the injuries he sustained. Fortunately, Jonas took his revenge out on the Omni itself, rather than the rest of us, who laughed and laughed and laughed at his agonizing pain.  But you will hear more about that later.

ferrara to bologna, january 1999

     During the summer of '97, Jonas worked at Town Wharf Enterprises on Plymouth harbor, where he was paid 7 bucks an hour to sit behind a counter and do nothing but hook us up with free cigarettes and soda.   He's an excellent piano player, a furry hippie, and a good friend.  And he still has time to manage excellent grades.  As a sophomore at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania,  he spent his time wooing women with chilled wine and his Honda CB550k.  He spent the '98-'99 school year on a program in Bologna, Italy, in a beautiful apartment.  He's been learning Italian, traveling, eating well, and drinking excessive amounts of delicious and moderately priced cappuccino.  Ryan and Joshua were fortunate enough to get over there to visit him. He's back "across the pond", in "the states" now, but he still enjoys pork and Euro trading.  He even has a web page.

     Okay, Jonas, what's your secret?  How do you get all the girls?  How about we trade that motorcycle and that beautiful ancient city for a crappy toasted maroon hatchback in touristy suburbia, and we'll see who's wooing women then?  Huh?   Huh?  Punk.

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