Archives > Weblog: 1999 - 2002.
Kick-it Old-skool with Classic Sixfoot6 Weblog Entries! Damn Hell! Boy Howdy! The archive below presents virtually all of my public writing published between 1999 and 2002. Due to publishing tool, file structure and design changes, there's no convenient way to pour it all into one format. As such, each monthly archive retains its original layout, however unusable that may be. Thumbnails link to the first archive for each given design. Enjoy, and try not to get lost. Thanks for reading.
Feb.02 - Sixfoot6000km Road Trip Journal.
On February 24th, 2002, I left home. Again. Just a couple of days before my scheduled drive out to Los Angeles I quickly threw together a design for a cross-country road-trip journal. As I scrambled to pack, my friends Jonas and Dave decided to post my first entry for me. Thus was born a rather fun and refreshing idea: I'd get everyone that I visited during my month-long drive to blog in addition to my own entries. The result is a fully-fleshed account of a wonderful trip and wonderful friendships. Each week is linked here.
Winter.02 - bricolage weblog/story/photo entries.
In January of 2002 I felt a need to return to casual web-writing, since I found that I had plenty to say but little in the way of long-form writing (see fall '01, below). I changed the look and feel to a more wintry palette, and altered my format a bit. These entries included shorter posts mixed with photos, as well as entries that linked together to form stories, but in the reverse order that they were published. It was fun backwards storytelling, trying to link new posts thematically to previous entres. This layout included multiple weblogs--quotes, quicklink memes, and sentences taken from my fifth grade journal--into one single php-driven mega bloglomerate. Maybe some day I will rearrange things so that monthly archives of these side blogs will correspond to the dates of the main entries.
2002 - February: Third Week - Second Week - First Week
2002 - January: Fifth Week - Fourth Week - Third Week
Fall.01 - bricolage 2001 longerform entries:
Launched at 1:50 am EST on September 11th, the bricolage design suffered through several redesigns before arriving at it's present form. I had worked on the design sporadically all summer... and the day of its launch, of course, it seemed pretty unimportant. Eventually I tidied things up into the arrangement you see here, complete with autumn tones and the automobile background. In theory, I wanted to focus on longform writing while satisfying my need for the meta and memetic through the three sideblogs. Thanks to CSS positioning, this was first site design that I felt I had complete control over, even if it is visually overwhelming. Fuck, I'm practically in the overwhelming business.
12.14.01 - The Crappy Birthday.
11.26.01 - A Final Sunday at the Office / Chili Recipe.
11.18.01 - leonid lines.
11.11.01 - Got Plastic On My Mind.
10.23.01 - Your Mind Aches.
10.16.01 - Orange, orange Everywhere...
10.10.01 - Is the Answer, is the Reason, that Everything Happens.
10.01.01 - One of Those Palendromic Autumn Nights.
09.26.01 - Walking Down the Long Pink Road.
09.21.01 - The Bong and This Reggae Song.
09.18.01 - Tethered to the Mainland.
09.16.01 - Fennel, Salt, Cilantro and Lime.
09.13.01 - Another Dim, Quiet Stoop.
09.11.01 - The Signs of the Times.
Spring.01 - The much abused Big Nostril layout.
This text-only weblog took advantage of PHP and eventually included comment functionality. I was always rather proud of the graphical elements of this design. The whole thing was launched at 6 am on February 1st, only minutes before I had to leave and catch a plane to Houston. I had stayed up all night, and ended up getting sick for a week. For several months it chronicled travels and a busy spring working outdoors. It all fell apart over the summer, though, as I shied away from the internet, letting the infamous funny, offensive and annoying summer-long 349 comment thread take over the entertaining.
Xmas.00 - Escalator.
Kept during a busy period of lounging, socializing, brainstorming, this casual little scratchpad gave me a place to stick my thoughts. I finally found the time to reconstruct the "dramatic-announcement airplane design" from which this narrow-column weblog launched in a pop-up window. If you click on the pictured thumbnail, you can check out that little design for yourself. I had every intention to do something important on 01.02.01, but I didn't come up with much.
April.00 - The Blue Boy.
Those were the glory days, fuller with energy and youth. Well, it wasn't that long ago. This design was inspired by a new and exciting foray into the world of CSS, a desire to incorporate daily photographs with my entries, and a color photograph of me dressed in a sailor suit at age 3. I'm very fond of this design, and of the way the tabled posts look. I was even more obsessed with writing for the web back then, so there's a good variety to the entries, with a healthy dose of meta-meta. For a goodly-long while there I was actually making something of myself on the internet, before I actually got a job and the grey blah of old age set in.
Mid-January.00 - Union Square Navy.
I was pleased with this navy blue design when I got it right because I felt like it was compact and open all at the same time. The posts were text only, but I included a photo of the day on the sidebar, along with links to other weblogs and new additions to the site. At some point in mid-February I began using Blogger to publish this one, and I certainly packed those days with plenty of writing. Heady days, my friend, in one small Phoenix apartment. Sunsets and silence.
January.00 - Phoenix Yellowback.
After a long and hilarious drive across the country, I lived with my good friend Joshua in Phoenix for two months. I dove into the web hardcore and wanted to build a super-duper news/journal page where I could log the things I was doing and clicking. Later it turned out there was a name and subculture for this type of thing, but I wasn't really aware of all that yet. So this was my first-ever weblog design.
2000: January
Fall.99 - Carlisle, PA.
I went out to Pennsylvania to live with my friend Jonas for a couple of months, and it was a truly wonderful experience. I really started writing and expanding my web presence during this period. My index page went throguh several incarnations during this period. Note my first use of sixfoot6 blue in the low,
mid, and high bandwith versions of my hand-drawn-rollover menu page. Later I set up the Arrows index, and the deluxe Union Square Arrows with the same color, and linked to those other pages. I posted site progress updates and other junk into the casually designed fall '99 news page. I worked on The Saga, and started up a separate Journal during that wonderful sojourn in Carlisle.
1999: Autumn.
Spring.99 - The B.U. Graduate.
I had done a litte design during my senior year, but it wasn't really until I graduated from college that I needed to dive into the internet to fill the learning curve void. I set up the classic future-retro MouseOver, Martini and Monkey design while I was working on the Project Omni site. I posted occassional progress updates and silly crap on this spring '99 news page.
1999: Spring.
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