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Archives > '02 to Present > September 2007

Vote for My SXSW08 Panel!

posted Sep 18, 2007, 06:09 AM | 52 Comments

I'm proposing a panel for SXSW Interactive 2008 entitled "Better Collaboration Through Comedy LULZ OMG. I'm planning a hilarious and informative look at comedy as a way to improve your workday and your relationships with coworkers, customers and clients. Expect silly slides, great speakers, and my incredibly sexy voice amplified over loudspeakers. I may wear a prop mustache to appear smarter.

Please, log into the PanelPicker and vote for my panel! It's going to be crap awesome, and you'll walk with a smile and a better understanding of what that smile means to your brain and to the people around you.

Vote for me, or may all your work be insufferable.

About this page. presents expermients in writing, design, photography, and hypertext. This weblog entry was posted by Ryan, the site's author.


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