Austin Bound

posted 11 Mar 2005, 4PM | 5 Comments

In several hours (bollocks, is it 4am already?) I'll be hopping a flight to Austin for my fifth annual SXSW Interactive conference. With a great set of panelist and a different mix of friends, we should be in for a good time. I've got the Nokia 3650 wired for picture messages, so you can watch events unfold in syncopated realtime through my Flickr feed. I'll be posting, learning, sleeping, drinking and messing with Texas sporadically.

There are 5 Comments. Add Yours.


16 Mar 05 at 10:05AM industrial music art said:

Austin is a fun town. Hope you had a good time :)


18 Mar 05 at 01:30PM lobsterzilla said:

Hey, do you know what? I was listening to a Wilco song, "Hummingbird", and heard some lyrics that reminded me of this site:

Remember to remember me
Standing still in your past
Floating fast like a hummingbird

(It's OK not to be on topic once in a while in this comments box, isn't it?)


18 Mar 05 at 04:30PM Jenny said:

it is especially apt since there are hummingbirds here and a fancy link to a mocumentary called still standing that we made in the past. So yeah.


18 Mar 05 at 06:06PM lobsterzilla said:


The mocumentary -- or is it mockingbirdumentary? -- was wicked funny.

Jenny- I didn't know you were in on it.


18 Mar 05 at 06:15PM lobsterzilla said:

Oh, wait: you must be the person with the "editing skillz." So nevermind on my comment above about your being in on it.

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