Archives > Experimental Episodes.
I moved to Los Angeles in March of 2002, after a long and wonderful drive across the country. At the time I 'd grown bored of the weblog format, so I decided to try a new sort of storytelling. So began this low-calorie, lower-Californian series of work. I hand-coded each self-contained episode in standards-compliant XHTML and CSS2, exploring new combinations of CSS positioning, animated gifts, words and ideas.
The index below lists each episode by number and title, along with comment thread and description. To see the date an episode was published, hover over its title. Each episode contains a link to the previous, and a link to this archive; since these links can be hard to find, you can manually alter the episode number in the location bar of your browser. I hope you enjoy these projects, as I've put a great deal of time into them.
Long before the lo.Cal series I conducted hypertext experiments in the Saga section of The static sitemap has more info. Clickety-click.
lo.Cal Episode List
Tomorrow Sixfruit6: the final episode marking my return to a pure weblog.
lo.Cal.038.good.time +37 comments
A Short Film: bathroom creation that spawned my comedy troupe, mighty mcpilgrim.
lo.Cal.037.drunk.refund +44 comments
Let's Get Drunk and do Taxes: an open unsobering letter to the irs.
lo.Cal.036.yellowbare.chromatic +13 comments
We Tried, Bbut There Was Nothing: it is hard to get toast in the morning.
lo.Cal.035.sxsw.interactive +9 comments
Cars, Monkeys and other Crap: line drawings and looking for love. +14 comments
Pantsified: justin time4lent, don't act like you don't know it.
lo.Cal.033.sxsw.interactive +20 comments
48 Austin Photos: friends, fun and mouseover from austin's interactive festival.
lo.Cal.032.road.slides.leg1 +27 comments
One Year From Home: photos from the first leg of my winter 2002 drive to los angeles.
lo.Cal.031.mileage +95 comments
Is Going Where I Want to Go: life, love, and sport utility vehicles.
lo.Cal.030.t3 +39 comments
Time, Thanks and Thunder: reflections on aging, thanksgiving, and getting by.'s.end +29 comments
Sunset after Sunset: twenty-five photos of fading daylight, taken during the past three years. +25 comments
Just the Beginning? two years of Republican control, at least. Takes time to kick in.
lo.Cal.027.institution +20 comments
November: a cooling hospital poem.
lo.Cal.026.synthetic.nostalgia +35 comments
Old Family Photographs: compiled from personal memories of a projected past.
lo.Cal.025.foot.power +13 comments
The Feet of Carron: bright stripes and a broad story inspired by a small footprint icon. +24 comments
Visual Static: an open letter to mr. george w. bush.
lo.Cal.023.autumnal +21 comments
Long Weeks of Fall Withdrawal: LA life without seasons.
lo.Cal.022.sepia +16 comments
But I Still Love You, New York.: one photo to mark one year.
lo.Cal.021.kaos +105 comments
You May Begin. Induldge.: anonymous text entered into the kaos box by you, the user.
lo.Cal.020.dizzy +56 comments
Slow Moving Lines: several pages of graphic design and animated background experiments. +84 comments
A Ghetto Blaster, Blasting: a few thoughts about music past and present.
lo.Cal.018.home +23 comments
Home Is Where the _______: incomplete reflection on my july trip back home. +31 comments
Thou Shalt Not Sip Liquid at Room Temperature: another day in the local coffee shop.
lo.Cal.016.san.fran +41 comments
Mostly People and Buildings: a series of 30 photographs taken during a visit to the bay area.
lo.Cal.015.the.valley +25 comments
Beyond the Valley of the Unemployed: journal of a young american in southern california.
lo.Cal.014.brotherhood +24 comments
Olde Fashioned Brotherhood: a flashing photo and simple memories by an older brother.
lo.Cal.013.between.two.people +44 comments
Recombien de Wittensexy? comedy vs. sexuality; life vs. art. an unargument of words and images.
lo.Cal.012.triforce +48 comments
This is a Technicolor Life: a rediscovery of the joyful world that is The Legend of Zelda. +24 comments
Jesus Walked off, Got into His Pikup Truk: new artwork for an old song recorded with my friend Joshua in 1994.
lo.Cal.010.X.widescreen +38 comments
X Marks the Spot: a multi-colored and multi-imaged musing on the beauty that is Venice Beach.
lo.Cal.009.primary.paper.pieces +70 comments
I have Been Handed Bits of Paper: brief adventures in media overload, primary colors, corporate marketing, browser compatibility and the wasting of paper.
+22 comments comments.
+44 comments introductions.
+35 comments bits of b.s.
I'm Proud of My Hanwriting: sharing roomate fun with everyone.
lo.Cal.007.arctic.wildlife.refuge +45 comments
They're Probably Voting Right Now: keep your drills away from my alaska. +34 comments
I Only Know 1040 Forms of Love: anti-love poem for a tax-deductable year.
lo.Cal.005.good.advice +24 comments
You Would Like a Tall Frosty Beverage: the ever-sprawling car-culture of los angeles.
lo.Cal.004.squares.eureka +27 comments
CSS Art Number One: tiny mathematical groupings of squares.
lo.Cal.003.shakes +26 comments
We've All Got The Shakes: william shakespeare in my modern life.
lo.Cal.002.sterile +47 comments
This Is a Small Machine: barcodes ever-flashing in our consciousness. +32 comments
Tonight Has been SWank/font>: awol and I ski ourselves silly with cammy and drew, to ring in the month of april.
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