New Domestics
posted Apr 18, 2007, 09:32 AM | 5 Comments
Well, I never posted my SXSW panel notes in real time as I'd planned to do, but I do have the notes around here somewhere. Oh well. You can't fit everything in. I was talking to my old boss/buddy Will from the golf course a couple weeks ago, asking him about trying to run a business full time now that he has a toddler. "There are always 3 work things that never get done, every day," he explained. "At some point you just have to embrace it as the way things will always be."
[Note: just pushed some changes to Southers for Will. Slideshow script, Flash video, couple of design tweaks. Hotness.]
So rather than fighting to fit more in (work, projects, ideas, media, people), I'm trying to let go a bit. Realistic priorities. Remember when I was a Let Go sort of person? I do. Funny enough, spring hit (here in the SB, at least) and brought changes. This calls for another ordered list: