Notes on Aging and Xmas
posted 26 Dec 2005, 12PM | 3 Comments
I have one of those December birthdays that leads to early submission into kindergarten and "this will count for both" combination gifts, so family, aging, celebration, shopping, eating and the new year get rolled into one snowball. Jenny compiled a great holiday slideshow of much of that stuff. I have a few thoughts.
- December has really flown by, especially when I consider that I work out of my house. No commuting time or hours to clock in at an office, and yet time keeps speeding up. I'm chalking this up to age, since when you're 5, one year is an eternal FIFTH of your life. Now a year is but a wisp.
- I've had Lazy Sunday and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah stuck in my head for a full week.
Jenny's cooking just kicks more and more ass. She created this birthday pear tart without a recipe. With a rice steamer, juicer and dope casserole dish arriving in her stocking, our new year looks tasty.
- Rounding 28 has brought with it physical curiosities. Dark hairs grow off the tip of my nose, and everywhere on the rim of my left ear. ONLY MY LEFT EAR, NEVER THE RIGHT. When I'm nervous, sometimes the left ear gets hot. I clench my teeth sometimes. Sitting at this desk is affecting my back and eyesight. I get ornery about people bothering me while I'm doing the dishes.
- Socks and sweaters turn out to be nice gifts. Who has money for their own sweaters? Nobody.
My family had plans to cut back this Christmas, but that didn't quite go down. Maybe giving (and shopping) has become so wired into us that we can't hold back. I threw some handmade gifts into the mix. Maybe I'll share pictures. We were hoping that a milder Xmas would mean more time together and less time at the mall. The highlight was a trip to Edaville Railroad, where I went for my 8th birthday. We sat in the caboose. The lights were beautiful.
- We live as stuff-accruing machines. This is not sustainable.
- Lovely to have Jenny sharing our traditions (drinks at Gilda's on the 23rd, Xmas Eve in Fatty's kithcen, coffee and presents 9am Xmas morning, noonish breakfast [Jenny's gingerbread pancakes were yummy], an evening at my aunt's house in Barnstable, lasanga, word games).
- Asshole is still the best card game evar.
There are 3 Comments
27 Dec 05 at 06:40AM sixfoot6 said:
ooh, congrats on the Mandolin! I made out pretty well myself, with great sweaters, an iPod shuffle, some good books, boots and drum lessons! I'm looking forward to the lessons.
And with my brother now planning to move to Chicago soon, it's high time we get going on the music front. Such will be January.
This morning I dropped my enfonced off for a 6am flight; she's off to Santa Barbara. Best to you and yours!
28 Dec 05 at 07:37PM theredeemer said:
If you like Lazy Sunday see more of Andy Samberg at
That's Kablamo!
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27 Dec 05 at 12:44AM Ralbert said:
Ello Fellow Decemberbirthdayist (its derived from German so that's why its a long word). I made out like a bandit this year. Maybe at 43 it was collective guilt but I have a Mandolin to prove it! Go thrash your drums, you're getting out of practice! Its making your left ear twitch and be tense.
Tell you're enfonced a Happy Christmas (remember it continues until the Epiphany, which for you might come sooner them me) and Merry New Year from us Pacific folken.
- rsd