Rebates Can Blow Me.

posted 13 Jul 2005, 11AM | 3 Comments

You know what can blow me? Rebates, that's what. And here's why: I am the sucker that companies offering product rebates are looking for. I get excited about saving money, then I forget to send in the effing rebate until it's too late, so I lose my damn $10. I'm a rebate-maker's dream.

So, I'm leaving my great USC job and all its perks (read: Powerbook), so I've been buying new electronic toys. I ordered me a new Nokia 6620 phone, charmed by the prospect of a $250 rebate. (Offer ends today! Right!) I promised myself that I'd send in the rebate card on the day I got the phone. I have the phone now. The phone is sweet.

But the effing rebate must be postmarked before January 8th, 2006, and AFTER November 4th, 2005. Are you kidding me? I've got to save all of this UPC shit for 4 months and THEN send it out in the fall (provided that I don't lose the receipt during our move back to Mass) in order to maybe receive my money back in early 2006?

I don't have that kind of faith in myself. Rebates can blow me.

There are 3 Comments


15 Jul 05 at 08:12PM kelly said:

this reminds me of security deposits. specifically security deposits for cell phones. instead of paying $60 a month for 300 minutes, why not put down $500 and then get 1000 minutes for the same price! i once bought that scam, but then it took 6 months after my contract was up to get the $500 back. only because i was riding their asses about it the whole time. not neat.


23 Jul 05 at 12:07AM randy said:

Rebates require remembering



6 Feb 06 at 11:01AM Kelly said:

my experience is worse. i didn't remove the sticker on the upc code when i made copies. now my copy of upc code is not valid for the $200 rebates!

wonder is you still have a copy of yours:) it will be really appreciated if you can fax me a copy. pls let me know if you are willing to help me! my email address is:


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