Weblogs upon Weblogs
posted 9 Apr 2004, 12PM | 5 Comments
As you can see from the sources and rescources linked in his sidebar, he's taking a pretty rigorous academic plunge into the study of weblogs, far beyond the usual meta meta ranty blog chatter. I hope his posts get some conversation going.
In addition to school and his zesty job working in a Princeton library, David also writes and performs music in Unbelievable Luck, a band of rock sincerity and indie soundscapes. They'll be playing out in NYC on May 9th. It's a long way from the bugging out to DJ Jazzy Jeff/ Fresh Prince records we did together in sixth grade... but hell, we're still "Too Damn Hyped".
There are 5 Comments
14 Apr 04 at 07:57PM Anonymous said:
thanks. and yes... yours. actually, i should probably tell you that i was kind of joking when i asked that, but i guess it didn't come across. the idea was that it would be funny to ask a question whose answer was so obvious that no one would ever seriously ask such a question. or something like that. notwithstanding all the preceding, i hadn't stumbled on that "About" page yet, so i actually did enjoy reading it. as as long as i'm doing this long chatty post, i'd like to confess that my name is not really frank.
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Sixfoot6.com presents expermients in writing, design, photography, and hypertext. This weblog entry was posted by Ryan, the site's author.
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13 Apr 04 at 05:00AM frank said:
pardon me, but what is the meaning of this web site?