Check Out
posted 5 Oct 2003, 2PM | 6 Comments

I stepped into the shorter of the two checkout lines, thinking, "Jesus, I haven't thought about this song in about 10 years." Suddenly the 22 year old chubby bearded guy in front of me turned about halfway around, and spoke aloud to no one in particular. "Is this Paula Abdul?" I muttered something about 12 years, and he started make observations about the nearby rack of Snow White DVDs. "About time Disney started putting out this stuff," he said. He rambled on annoyingly, and I suddenly remembered why people keep quiet at the supermarket. Then I felt guilty.
Later, sleepy, I visited a Netscape news site to find a rather harrowing combination of news items structured into one screen. I found a sad synchronicity in there, somewhere between the nectarines and the cheating wives.
There are 6 Comments
6 Oct 03 at 11:39PM ryan said:
Funny, while I was typing this entry I said to myself, "Self, remember to edit this and replace 'yamaka' with the proper term," but then I completely forgot.
If it aint plain American English, I can't spell it.
7 Oct 03 at 06:38AM R. said:
Heh. Yamaka is actually a Japanese something-or-other, if I recall correctly.
16 Oct 03 at 10:12AM ryan said:
hmm, you raise a good point. Since, uh, they were the color orange, i guess.
well, they were piled up in the citrus AREA, anyway.
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6 Oct 03 at 01:57PM R. said: