Short blurb about this site.
This site contains years and years worth of personal writing, photography, music, design experiments, and various other creative projects and conversations. I design in Photoshop and code pages by hand in TextMate and CSSEdit; my various weblogs are powered by MT. Historically, this has been the sort of site that people get lost in, where you find something cool and can never figure out how to navigate back to it. I recommend that approach, and the archives page should get you started. Someday when my time frees up, I'll relaunch the site. Until then, chase me on Twitter.
Short blurb about me.
My name is Ryan D. Pants, and this is my personal website. I've published many different versions of this site since I began in early 1999. I've given much to the web since the early 2400 baud Prodigy dial-up days, and the web has given much back to me in the form of knowledge, friendships, laughter, employment, romance and great deals on Vi@gar^a.
I was born in Lexington, Kentucky on December 14th, 1977, and grew up in Plymouth, Mass—known as "America's hometown" and "the home of the body bag". I went to a small Cape Cod high school called Falmouth Academy, and graduated from Boston University in '99 with a major in English, a minor in visual arts, and a future that caught me by surprise. I live in Santa Barbara with my lovely wife Jennifer, our adorable son Devo, and a yappy Norwich terrier named Alfie. I like to read, watch movies, play music, get crafty, eat, walk, and talk. It's nice here.
I'm Creative Director at SB Nation, where I get to collaborate with some brilliant minds and solve all sorts of problems. I work on ideation, user interface design, user experience, front end integration, CSS tweaking, custom advertising design and development, marketing copy, logo design, customersupport communication, and some broader team, cultural and branding vision. I love it.
Previously I was freelancing full time, keeping busy with various collaborative projects, small business sites, web and graphic design (Take a look at my design portfolio if you like). I've partnered with political bloghound Jerome Armstrong and programmer Rusty Foster to create Netroots - we build campaign and community sites. From time to time I'm still writing/performing with my comedy troupe, Mighty McPilgrim. Previous jobs have included web developer at USC assistant to an eccentric millionaire, chef at a small restaurant, assistant building a family-owned golf course, and ice cream truck driver.
I seem to enjoy everything, particularly reading, graphic design, acting, walking, biking, croquet, video editing, cooking, travelling, photography, painting, writing, silence, tea, vegetables, naps, rainy days, group dinners, ambient lighting, legos, guitar, exploration, tetris, making people laugh, new ideas, playing good-hearted tricks on friends, nightlife and other junk like that.
Some of my favorite bands and artists include Smoosh, Interpol, Mogwai, Unbelievable Luck, Spoon, Beck, REM, Kraftwerk, Sleater-Kinney, Roxy Music, Clinic, Bjork, Tristeza, DJ Shadow, Blackalicious, MC Paul Barman, Wilco, The Flaming Lips, Modest Mouse, Tortoise, Giant Sand, Brian Eno, David Bowie, Radiohead, Shuggie Otis, The Beach Boys, Otis Readding, Jurassic 5, godspeed you black emperor, Sonic Youth, Morphine, The Talking Heads, Beth Orton, The Dresden Dolls and so on. I dig music (follow me on Last.FM, and sing when I'm driving.
I always enjoy receiving email from people that I know or people that I don't know, so feel free to send me a message about anything at all. I really don't get much email from site visitors, so it's nice to hear from folks.

More Ryan elsewhere.
After 12 webby years, you can find me all over the place. Here are a few of those places to get you stalking.
- Portfolio Resume
- Flickr Photos
- Stellar
- Mighty McPilgrim
- Metafilter profile
- Blogger profile
- Mirror Project photos (and gallery)
- Last FM (my music playlist)
- Bloglines feeds (sites I read)
- 43 Things
Feel free to contact me or check out the latest action on the front page. Pissa!